<section class="story-slide lazy slider">

    <div class="slide-wrapper" style="background-image: url(/img/lava.jpg);">
        <div class="slide-content">
            <div class="mobile-image">
                <img src="/img/lava.jpg" alt="" />

            <div class="slider_buttons">
            <!-- end slider_buttons -->
        <!-- end slide-content -->

    <div class="slide-wrapper" style="background-image: url(/img/maxresdefault.jpg);">
        <div class="slide-content">
            <div class="mobile-image">
                <img src="/img/maxresdefault.jpg" alt="" />

            <div class="slider_buttons">
            <!-- end slider_buttons -->
        <!-- end slide-content -->

    <div class="slide-wrapper" style="background-image: url(/img/lava-2.jpg);">
        <div class="slide-content">
            <div class="mobile-image">
                <img src="/img/lava-2.jpg" alt="" />

            <div class="slider_buttons">
            <!-- end slider_buttons -->
        <!-- end slide-content -->
<section class="story-slide lazy slider">
  {% block cms_override %}
    {% for slide_img in slide_imgs %}
      {% include "@carousel_item" with slide_img only %}
    {% endfor %}
  {% endblock cms_override %}
  "slide_imgs": [
      "slide_src_img": "/img/lava.jpg"
      "slide_src_img": "/img/maxresdefault.jpg"
      "slide_src_img": "/img/lava-2.jpg"
  • Content:
    .story-slide {
      margin: 0 0 -6px 0 !important;
      margin-top: $space_and_half;
      margin-bottom: $space_and_half !important;
      @include media-breakpoint-down(md) {
        margin: $space_three 0 0 0 !important;
        padding: 0 0 $space_three 0 !important;
        border-bottom: 1px solid $grey_lightest;
      .slick {
        &-prev {
          height: inherit;
          width: inherit;
          z-index: 2;
          @include media-breakpoint-down(md) {
            top: 30%;
          &::before {
            @include font-awesome-base;
            color: $white;
            font-size: 8rem !important;
            text-shadow: -1px 0 #000, 0 1px #000, 1px 0 #000, 0 -1px #000;
            @include media-breakpoint-down(xs) {
              font-size: 4rem !important;
        &-prev {
          left: $spacer !important;
          &::before {
            content: "\f104" !important;
        &-next {
          right: $spacer !important;
          &::before {
            content: "\f105" !important;
        &-dots {
          bottom: $space_three;
          right: $space_four;
          text-align: center;
          width: inherit;
          position: unset;
          @include media-breakpoint-up(md) {
            position: absolute;
          li {
            margin: 0 10px;
            button {
              &::before {
                font-family: $font_awesome !important;
                font-size: 1.5rem;
                -webkit-text-stroke: 4px $lehigh_brown_60;
                opacity: 1;
                color: transparent;
                content: '\2022' !important;
                @include media-breakpoint-up(md) {
                  -webkit-text-stroke: 4px $lehigh_brown_60;
            &.slick-active {
              button {
                &::before {
                  opacity: 1;
                  color: $lehigh_brown;
                  @include media-breakpoint-up(md) {
                    color: $black;
            &:last-of-type {
              margin: 0 0 0 10px;
        &-dotted {
          &.slick-slider {
            margin: 0;
    .slick-prev {
      &:hover {
        &::before {
          color: $lehigh_brown;
          font-weight: 900;
  • URL: /components/raw/image_slider/image_slider.scss
  • Filesystem Path: bits/05-sections/image_slider/image_slider.scss
  • Size: 2.2 KB

Display the image slider without text.